Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy

Adolescent psychotherapy. playing with a young boy with tinker toys. Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

Children and adolescents sometimes need help when they are experiencing difficulties with their emotions and/or behavior. Psychotherapy can offer emotional support, help resolve problems and conflicts with their parents, peers or other individuals, help them understand their feelings and problems and try out new solutions to old problems.

There are a number of problems that bring a child to psychotherapy, such as divorce or strife in the family, a death in the family or fear of death related to current events, school problems with peers and learning, anxiety about leaving a parent, a history of neglect or abuse, nightmares and strange behavior that is not understandable.

Often the parents or care givers meet with the therapist first so that a clear picture of the problem(s) can be understood. Then, together, the therapist and parents commit to a plan of treatment that may include family members together with the child or separate from the child’s therapy.

The decision to begin therapy is based on such things as the child or adolescents current problems, history of development, ability to cooperate with treatment and what interventions are most likely to help with the presenting concerns. It is important to have the parents meet with the therapist from time to time to assess the child’s progress.

I have treated children and adolescents for over 30 years. I use verbal, play and art therapy to help your child feel safe, learn to express their feelings and thoughts, to understand their what the problem might be, to learn ways to change things that felt unchangeable before and to allow them to feel the joy of their creativity and life.

Change is difficult to measure in time. Each family and child must travel their unique path. Often meeting once a week for several months can provide us with some picture of the necessary time needed to help your child or adolescent. I am most concerned with what lies within your child. I want to give them a safe place to express and learn about who they are in their family, school and the world.

Please feel free to contact me for a limited telephone consultation at 818 501-0405 .

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